Guitar Performing 結他彈奏

Guitar Performing 結他彈奏

五線譜/六線譜 Standard notation/Guitar TAB

結他手的煩惱: 五線譜/六線譜 Troubles of Guitarists: Standard notation/Guitar Tablature

音樂標準記譜法(五線譜)是一種使用代表音調、節奏、力度和其他音樂元素的符號和標記的組合來編寫音樂的系統。 它常用於西方音樂中,用於標記各種音樂流派,包括古典音樂、爵士樂和流行音樂。 樂譜的基本元素包括音符、譜號、拍號、調號以及各種音樂符號和標記,例如動態、發音和速度指示。 Music standard notation is a system of writing music using a combination of symbols and markings that represent pitch, rhythm, dynamics, and other musical elements. It is commonly used in Western music to notate a wide range of musical genres, including classical, jazz, and popular music. The basic elements of music notation […]

結他手的煩惱: 五線譜/六線譜 Troubles of Guitarists: Standard notation/Guitar Tablature Read More »

音程 GuitarChord


情境題1 喺心儀對象面前要型,但見Cmaj9唔識,如何簡化唔識彈的GuitarChord? a)彈Cadd9 b)彈C c)彈Cmaj7 d)叫佢比時間你google 情境題2 同朋友輕鬆jam歌,見到G#dim7醒唔起,如何簡化唔識彈的GuitarChord? a)彈G b)彈E7 c)彈G# d)mute線照比節奏 情境題3 練習時見到Bm7-5, 如何簡化唔識彈的GuitarChord? a)彈Bm b)彈Bm7 c)彈Dm d)Google下先 Chord嘅概念:其實chord係一堆音一齊響,而chord名就來自於音與音之間嘅音程(Interval),所以明白左interval就有助拆解chord嘅結構。 例:note D>F , note D>F# 兩個情況都係3度(3rd), 但 D>F 我地會計佢為 小3度 (minor 3rd);D>F# 則計佢為 大3度 (major 3rd) ,原因係 D>F 只有3個semi-tone嘅差距,而 D>F# 則有4個semi-tone差距,就因為呢個小小嘅差距令佢地出黎嘅聲音有大大嘅唔同,major 會偏向積極、開朗嘅感覺;minor 會偏向陰沉、悲傷嘅感覺。 第一個情況: 其實你用三個chord, 個聲都唔會撞,因為本身Cmaj9有C,E,G,B,D (1,3,5,7,9)。而Cadd9有C,E,G,D (1,3,5,9)、C有C,E,G (1,3,5)、Cmaj7有C,E,G,B (1,3,5,7)。所以三個選擇都可以應付,但只係缺少左Cmaj9嘅味道,如果呢刻你選擇google一下,人地等得你黎都唔想聽了,想練番好個chord不如等自己嘅時候再搵番好佢啦。 第二個情況: G#dim7 (G#diminished7th) 有G#,B,D,F (1,b3,b5,bb7)。G有G,B,D

如何簡化唔識彈的GuitarChord? Read More »

Fingerstyle Guitar Techniques: A Complete Guide for Beginners

指彈吉他技巧:初學者的完整指南, Fingerstyle Guitar Techniques: A Complete Guide for Beginners

Fingerstyle Guitar Techniques: A Complete Guide for Beginners 指彈吉他技巧:初學者的完整指南: Fingerstyle guitar is a truly mesmerizing technique that allows players to create complex, layered sounds with just one instrument. By plucking and strumming the strings directly with the fingers, fingerstyle guitarists can achieve a level of expressiveness and versatility that’s hard to match. Whether it’s the smooth, melodic lines of classical music, or the intricate fingerpicking patterns of folk and pop songs, fingerstyle guitar can bring any genre to life. And with its ability to play multiple parts simultaneously, fingerstyle guitar is like having a whole band at your fingertips. So, If you want to take your guitar playing to the next level, give fingerstyle a try.

指彈吉他技巧:初學者的完整指南, Fingerstyle Guitar Techniques: A Complete Guide for Beginners Read More »

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