JKin Cheung

Musician from Hong Kong, try to record every precious moment by songs. Whenever in the good or depressed time, music is the best way for me to express myself. Same time as Guitarist, native speaker of Cantonese, insist of Canton Pop composing and Guitar elements in my music. JKin’s page: https://www.youtube.com/user/kkcheung46 https://www.facebook.com/JC.Music.Room https://jcmusicroom.com/ https://instagram.com/jc.music.room/

Material Choice on Guitar

探索材料選擇對吉他聲音的影響:從木材密度到琴弦組成, Exploring the Impact of Material Choice on Guitar Sound: From Wood Density to String Composition

Exploring the Impact of Material Choice on Guitar Sound: From Wood Density to String Composition, 探索材料選擇對吉他聲音的影響:從木材密度到琴弦組成 The most common materials used to build a guitar include wood for the body and neck, and various types of metal for the strings. The most popular woods used for the body of a guitar include maple, ash, alder, […]

探索材料選擇對吉他聲音的影響:從木材密度到琴弦組成, Exploring the Impact of Material Choice on Guitar Sound: From Wood Density to String Composition Read More »

Fingerstyle Guitar Techniques: A Complete Guide for Beginners

指彈吉他技巧:初學者的完整指南, Fingerstyle Guitar Techniques: A Complete Guide for Beginners

Fingerstyle Guitar Techniques: A Complete Guide for Beginners 指彈吉他技巧:初學者的完整指南: Fingerstyle guitar is a truly mesmerizing technique that allows players to create complex, layered sounds with just one instrument. By plucking and strumming the strings directly with the fingers, fingerstyle guitarists can achieve a level of expressiveness and versatility that’s hard to match. Whether it’s the smooth, melodic lines of classical music, or the intricate fingerpicking patterns of folk and pop songs, fingerstyle guitar can bring any genre to life. And with its ability to play multiple parts simultaneously, fingerstyle guitar is like having a whole band at your fingertips. So, If you want to take your guitar playing to the next level, give fingerstyle a try.

指彈吉他技巧:初學者的完整指南, Fingerstyle Guitar Techniques: A Complete Guide for Beginners Read More »

The Legendary Guitarist: A Look into the Life and Career of Jeff Beck

The Legendary Guitarist: A Look into the Life and Career of Jeff Beck

The Legendary Guitarist: A Look into the Life and Career of Jeff Beck Jeff Beck is a British rock guitarist who first rose to fame in the 1960s as a member of The Yardbirds. He is considered one of the most influential guitarists of all time and is known for his virtuosic technique and experimentation

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初學者選擇吉他的 7 個技巧, 7 Tips for Choosing the Best Guitar as a Beginner

初學者選擇吉他時,重要的是要找到一把彈起來舒服、音色好並且在您的預算範圍內的樂器。 這裡有一些要考慮的事情: When choosing a guitar as a beginner, it is important to find an instrument that is comfortable to play, sounds good, and is within your budget. Here are some things to consider: 初學者選擇吉他的 7 個技巧, 7 Tips for Choosing the Best Guitar as a Beginner …… 1.吉他類型 Type of guitar: 有多種類型的吉他可供選擇,包括原聲吉他(Acoustic Guitar)、電吉他(Electric Guitar)和古典吉他(Classical

初學者選擇吉他的 7 個技巧, 7 Tips for Choosing the Best Guitar as a Beginner Read More »

The Ultimate Guide to MIDI Cables

最近喺Youtube見到開始多人留意有關DIY 3.5mm cable midi to 5 pins MIDI cable 嗰條片,所以就應用一下呢條Cable, 究竟佢可以運用到咩嘅地步, 最後我用3.5mm cable 5pins 嗰邊接 Line6 HXstomp 嘅 MIDI in, 然後入面Set 左呢條Chain, Recently, I saw on Youtube that many people began to pay attention to the piece of DIY 3.5mm cable midi to 5 pins MIDI cable, so I will use this cable to see how far it can be used. Finally, I used 3.5mm cable 5pins. Connect the MIDI in of Line6 HXstomp, and then enter the left Chain of Set,

The Ultimate Guide to MIDI Cables Read More »

Chainsaw Man曲目⋯⋯不得了嘅陣容!

話說呢個十月實在太多正歌出…不得不提嘅係呢套動漫「Chainsaw Man」不止好睇,佢嘅opening, ending songs 陣容強到不得了。先黎睇下佢ending songs咩料子: “ALL KINDS OF KISSES” by Ano “Fight Song” by Eve “Deep Down” by Aimer “Rendezvous” by Kanaria “In the Back Room” by Syudou “Violence” by Queen Bee “Time Left” by Zutomayo “First Death” by TK “Tablet” by TOOBOE “CHAINSAW BLOOD” by Vaundy “DOGLAND” by PEOPLE 1 相信睇開動漫嘅大家睇到呢個陣容,未提嘅仲有opening…係”KICK BACK” by

Chainsaw Man曲目⋯⋯不得了嘅陣容! Read More »



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