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ChatGPT 在音樂行業的影響力, How ChatGPT affect music industry

ChatGPT 有可能影響廣泛的行業,包括音樂行業。 ChatGPT 可能影響音樂行業的一種方式是為音樂家和製作人提供新的機會來創作和傳播他們的音樂。

隨著 ChatGPT 等聊天機器人和虛擬助手的興起,音樂家和製作人可以使用這些工具來接觸更廣泛的觀眾,並以新的方式與粉絲建立聯繫。 例如,ChatGPT 可用於根據用戶的喜好創建個性化播放列表,或根據他們的收聽歷史推薦新藝術家。

此外,ChatGPT 可用於分析和解釋音樂數據,例如流媒體數量和社交媒體參與度,以幫助音樂家和製作人就其營銷和促銷策略做出更明智的決策。 這可以幫助新興藝術家在行業中獲得更多知名度,並可能帶來更多合作和發展機會。

總的來說,雖然 ChatGPT 對音樂行業的影響在很大程度上仍不為人所知,但它為藝術家和製作人創造新機會的潛力令人興奮,並可能導致一個更加多樣化和創新的行業。

ChatGPT has the potential to impact a wide range of industries, including the music industry. One way that ChatGPT could affect the music industry is by providing new opportunities for musicians and producers to create and distribute their music.

With the rise of chatbots and virtual assistants like ChatGPT, musicians and producers can use these tools to reach a wider audience and connect with fans in new ways. For example, ChatGPT could be used to create personalized playlists based on a user’s preferences, or to recommend new artists based on their listening history.

Additionally, ChatGPT could be used to analyze and interpret music data, such as streaming numbers and social media engagement, to help musicians and producers make more informed decisions about their marketing and promotional strategies. This could help emerging artists gain more visibility in the industry and potentially lead to more opportunities for collaboration and growth.

Overall, while ChatGPT’s impact on the music industry is still largely unknown, its potential to create new opportunities for artists and producers is exciting and could lead to a more diverse and innovative industry.

以下有幾個可以生成音樂的 AI 系統示例,其中包括:

Amper Music:Amper 是一個人工智能驅動的音樂創作平台,允許用戶為各種應用程序生成自定義音樂曲目,例如播客、視頻和廣告。 用戶可以選擇音樂的風格、基調和節奏,Amper 將根據這些輸入生成獨特的曲目。

AIVA:AIVA(人工智能虛擬藝術家)是一個人工智能係統,可以創作各種流派的原創音樂作品,例如古典、爵士和流行音樂。 AIVA 使用深度學習算法來分析和理解音樂模式,用於生成新的作品。

Jukedeck:Jukedeck 是一個使用 AI 為視頻、遊戲和其他應用程序創建自定義音樂曲目的平台。 用戶可以選擇曲目的流派、基調和長度,Jukedeck 將根據這些參數生成獨特的作品。這家倫敦公司已被字節跳動旗下熱門社交媒體音樂應用抖音收購。

Flow Machines:Flow Machines 是一個研究項目,它使用 AI 生成各種風格的音樂,例如爵士樂、流行音樂和古典音樂。 該系統使用機器學習算法來分析和學習現有音樂的大型數據庫,然後使用它來生成新的作品。

Google 的 Magenta:Magenta 是 Google 開發的一個開源平台,它使用機器學習來創作音樂和藝術。 該平台包括用於音樂生成的各種工具和模型,例如旋律生成器和鼓機。

這些只是為生成音樂而開發的眾多人工智能係統中的幾個例子。 隨著 AI 技術的不斷進步,我們可以期待在音樂行業看到更多 AI 的創新和創造性應用。

There are several examples of AI systems that can generate music, some of which include:

Amper Music: Amper is an AI-powered music composition platform that allows users to generate custom music tracks for various applications, such as podcasts, videos, and advertising. Users can choose the style, mood, and tempo of the music, and Amper will generate a unique track based on those inputs.

AIVA: AIVA (Artificial Intelligence Virtual Artist) is an AI system that creates original music compositions in various genres, such as classical, jazz, and pop. AIVA uses deep learning algorithms to analyze and understand musical patterns, which it uses to generate new compositions.

Jukedeck: Jukedeck is a platform that uses AI to create custom music tracks for videos, games, and other applications. Users can select the genre, mood, and length of the track, and Jukedeck will generate a unique composition based on those parameters. The London-based company has been acquired by Tik-tok, the popular social media music app owned by ByteDance.

Flow Machines: Flow Machines is a research project that uses AI to generate music in various styles, such as jazz, pop, and classical. The system uses machine learning algorithms to analyze and learn from a large database of existing music, which it then uses to generate new compositions.

Google’s Magenta: Magenta is an open-source platform developed by Google that uses machine learning to create music and art. The platform includes various tools and models for music generation, such as a melody generator and a drum machine.

These are just a few examples of the many AI systems that are being developed to generate music. As AI technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more innovative and creative uses of AI in the music industry.

隨著不同平台推出的Ai Bot越來越進步,配合人類的創意使用不同功能的Ai的特性,相信全世界Ai化的日子不遠!以下係小編最近使用ChatGPT寫歌詞,再配合ChordChord music Ai export Chord sample 嘅歌曲,亦是我第一次開聲旁白,當中都包含一些個人修改,請細心欣賞!

As the Ai Bots launched on different platforms are getting more and more advanced, and the characteristics of Ai with different functions are used in conjunction with human creativity, I believe that the days when the world becomes AI is not far away! The following is a song that I recently wrote lyrics using ChatGPT, and combined with ChordChord music Ai export Chord sample. It is also my first narration. It contains some personal modifications, please enjoy!

用ChatGPT配合Ai Music Generator 作歌:

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