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The Ultimate Guide to MIDI Cables

The Ultimate Guide to MIDI Cables

A 3.5mm MIDI cable is a cable that is used to connect electronic musical instruments and other MIDI devices to a computer or other MIDI-enabled device. The cable has a 3.5mm jack at each end, which is a standard size for many audio and MIDI devices. The cable is typically used to transfer MIDI data, which is a protocol that allows different musical instruments and equipment to communicate with one another. This type of MIDI cable can be useful for connecting synthesizers, drum machines, and other MIDI-enabled equipment to a computer or other MIDI controller.

3.5mm MIDI 電纜是用於將電子樂器和其他 MIDI 設備連接到計算機或其他支持 MIDI 的設備的電纜。 電纜兩端各有一個 3.5 毫米插孔,這是許多音頻和 MIDI 設備的標準尺寸。 電纜通常用於傳輸 MIDI 數據,這是一種允許不同樂器和設備相互通信的協議。 這種類型的 MIDI 電纜可用於將合成器、鼓機和其他支持 MIDI 的設備連接到計算機或其他 MIDI 控制器。

A 3.5mm MIDI cable and a 5-pin MIDI cable are both used to connect electronic musical instruments and other MIDI devices to a computer or other MIDI-enabled device. However, the main difference between the two is the number of pins on the connector and the type of data transmitted.

A 3.5mm MIDI cable has a 3.5mm jack at each end, which is a standard size for many audio and MIDI devices. This type of connector is commonly used for connecting devices such as smartphones, MP3 players, and laptops to speakers or headphones. However, this type of cable can only transmit MIDI data over a single channel and is limited in its functionality compared to a 5-pin MIDI cable.

On the other hand, a 5-pin MIDI cable has a rectangular connector with 5 pins at each end. This type of connector is specific to the MIDI standard and is typically used for connecting MIDI devices such as synthesizers, drum machines, and other MIDI-enabled equipment to a computer or other MIDI controller. This type of cable can transmit MIDI data over multiple channels, which allows for more advanced features such as multi-timbrality and control of multiple devices at once.

In summary, a 3.5mm MIDI cable is a more versatile cable as it can be used for different type of audio connections, but it’s limited in its functionality compared to a 5-pin MIDI cable which is specific for MIDI usage and can transmit data over multiple channels.

3.5 毫米 MIDI 電纜和 5 針 MIDI 電纜都用於將電子樂器和其他 MIDI 設備連接到計算機或其他具有 MIDI 功能的設備。 然而,兩者之間的主要區別在於連接器上的針腳數量和傳輸的數據類型。

3.5 毫米 MIDI 電纜的兩端各有一個 3.5 毫米插孔,這是許多音頻和 MIDI 設備的標準尺寸。 這種類型的連接器通常用於將智能手機、MP3 播放器和筆記本電腦等設備連接到揚聲器或耳機。 然而,這種類型的電纜只能通過單個通道傳輸 MIDI 數據,並且與 5 針 MIDI 電纜相比,其功能受到限制。

另一方面,5 針 MIDI 電纜有一個矩形連接器,兩端各有 5 個針腳。 這種類型的連接器特定於 MIDI 標準,通常用於將 MIDI 設備(例如合成器、鼓機和其他支持 MIDI 的設備)連接到計算機或其他 MIDI 控制器。 這種類型的電纜可以通過多個通道傳輸 MIDI 數據,從而允許更高級的功能,例如多音色和同時控制多個設備。

總之,3.5 毫米 MIDI 電纜是一種更通用的電纜,因為它可用於不同類型的音頻連接,但與 5 針 MIDI 電纜相比,它的功能有限 多個渠道。

最近喺Youtube見到開始多人留意有關DIY 3.5mm cable midi to 5 pins MIDI cable 嗰條片,所以就應用一下呢條Cable, 究竟佢可以運用到咩嘅地步, 最後我用3.5mm cable 5pins 嗰邊接 Line6 HXstomp 嘅 MIDI in, 然後入面Set 左呢條Chain,

Recently, I saw on Youtube that many people began to pay attention to the piece of DIY 3.5mm cable midi to 5 pins MIDI cable, so I will use this cable to see how far it can be used. Finally, I used 3.5mm cable 5pins. Connect the MIDI in of Line6 HXstomp, and then enter the left Chain of Set,

  1. 1 switch LOOPER
  2. Pitch wham
  3. Q-tron Filter
  4. Guitar Preamp
  5. Analog Delay
  6. Digital Delay
  7. 3 Band EQ
  8. FX Loop to BlueSky from Strymon

然後將3.5mm cable midi (jack) 接Novation Launchkey mini MK3 去控制以嘅parameter:

MIDI cc control on LaunchKeyminiMK3 :

  1. Mix of Q-tron
  2. time of Analog Delay
  3. feedback of Analog Delay
  4. time of Digital Delay
  5. Feedback of Digital Delay
  6. Low Gain of EQ
  7. Mid Gain of EQ
  8. High Gain of EQ

3.5mm cable midi 片段示範:

用1 switch LOOPER 做開頭最主要原因係free番自己對手可以玩下啲settings, 然後最明顯嘅係要玩嗰兩隻Delay Pedals, 轉下佢嘅mix level, feedback level已經好過癮,其次係用Q-Tron filter去令本身段錄音唔好太悶,製造多啲Layer, EQ就係為左控制成段音樂嘅質感,想Dark啲定係Bright啲就睇佢,BOSS EV30 同Q-Tron 差不多,都係想做啲音調嘅變化,最後就係外置嘅Strymon BlueSky, 一開著已經可以感受到你將成個聲音拉到幾闊,再加埋Shimmer, 成個Ambient Sound出晒黎,濕晒~


Line6 HX Stomp:

Launch Key Mini MK3:

Strymon BlueSky (1st Gen):

Boss EV30:

Ditto Looper:

Q-Tron filter:

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